Think Deeply About God

Posted on August 28, 2016 · Posted in Bible Teaching Archive, Bible Truth, Encouragement

Think Deeply About God

Think deeply about God by spending some of your last days of summer reading previous teachings from the Bible.  Because there are many misconceptions about what God’s Word says, He inspires me to write in-depth blog posts that explain biblical truths. So, when you read the teaching, my prayer is that you will understand the Word of God and apply it to your life.  Over time, these posts will be building blocks of biblical truth that God will use to transform your life

So, to begin to think deeply about God, read the descriptions below and then choose a title to read.  But before you start, you may want to print this post and then return to read more Bible teaching.  Also, consider subscribing to this website, so you will not miss my next post.

Think Deeply About God Through Bible Teaching 

Click a Title to Read

From Heaven to the Manger

Did you know that Jesus existed Before the manger?  And did you know that Jesus lived with God the Father in heaven?  And that He left everything because He loved you that much?  Then you will want to read the true story of Christmas, the most incredible love story ever told.

Thank God Always

Are you thankful?  Or does your answer depend on the day or how you feel?  If so, then you have already observed that thankfulness does not come naturally?  So, see how it is possible to thank God in good times and bad.

Did God Really Say?

The Assault on the Word of God

There has been an ongoing assault on God’s Word since the Garden of Eden.  And directly or indirectly, the assault always begins with, “Did God really say?”  With these words, Satan asked Eve this question, and Eve chose to disobey the Word of God.  Discover how to have spiritual discernment about the devil’s schemes.

Living Our Faith

Believing that God is real is the first step of faith, but it is only the beginning.  Because genuine faith is more than intellectual assent, you will want to read more to understand what it means to live what you believe.

Only God Satisfies

Do you ever have a hard time expressing yourself to God?  If so, Psalm 63 will be helpful to you because David asks God to meet his needs.  And some of His needs were for God’s presence, provision, and protection.  So, are these your needs too?  Then, read further to discover the personal relationship that you can have with God.

Think Deeply About God’s Love and Follow Him

Love Speaks the Truth

When there is an assault on the Word of God, it is an assault on God Himself.  Like Goliath, the world’s followers bully the followers of the one true God into agreeing with the thinking of the day.  And in the process, God’s Word is trampled with little or no pushback.  Yet, sadly, few see it as a disgrace as David saw it in his day.  But you can be different.

The Final Battle

Armageddon and the Return of Jesus Christ

People today no longer believe in the judgment of God.  And yet, throughout the Bible, God tells us that a Day of Judgement is coming. Then, all evil will be destroyed, ending the pain and suffering that sin has caused on earth.  So, find out more to be ready for the return of Christ.

Learning to Follow Jesus

Jesus calls each one of us to follow Him, so why is it so much easier to do anything and everything but God’s will?  For answers, read further to know what it means to follow Jesus and live a transformed life.

Prepare for Battle

Spiritual Warfare

The Lord has called you to live for Him and battle sin in the world and sin in yourself, but are you?  Even military leaders know that they cannot go into battle without knowing their enemy, and neither should you.  Therefore, see how you can prepare for spiritual warfare.

What You Believe Matters

We act on what we believe.  Therefore, God warns us not to conform to our culture because it contradicts God’s revealed will.  So, this teaching will help you replace the lies you may believe with the truth from God’s Word.

Think Deeply about God and Enjoy His Presence

God Knows You!

Do you think that if people knew the “real you,” they would reject you?  So, for this reason, you built a protective iron wall around yourself to keep who you are and what you think hidden.  But God knows the real you, and He loves you.  And this post will reveal all the reasons why.

Pursue Peace!

Are you presently experiencing strife and discord with someone?  Then you are probably overwhelmed and upset.  But will separation be the outcome of your grievances?  To navigate difficult relationships, discover how to make reconciliation your goal, and know when to step away and allow God to work.

Who Is Satan?

The Bible is God’s Word, and He teaches us much about Satan. So, to not believe in Satan is not to believe God.  Therefore, read this teaching because it is vital to know the schemes of your spiritual adversary.

Science and the Creator

In 1966 Time magazine ran a cover story asking, “Is God Dead?”  As a result, many accepted the cultural narrative that God does not exist. So, when people trust science alone, there is less need for a “spiritual being” to explain the universe.  Therefore, the recent case for God’s existence comes from a surprising place—science itself.

God’s Presence in 2015

God sees, and He is here, but we miss Him because we are not aware of His Presence.  In addition, the physical world easily clouds the spiritual realm unless you are alert.  So, read this post to become more aware of God’s presence in your life.

Think Deeply About God by Reading More Bible Teaching

A Message from Suzanne

Are you a regular reader of the blogs I post on this website?  If so, it is because you are willing to take the time to go deeper.  And I appreciate this about you!  So, if you are new, discover what this website has to offer and why I do what I do.

Not Guilty!

Who Rules?

You Are Chosen!

The Accuser

Give Thanks

God’s Gift

I would appreciate your comments.

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Suzanne Martin, Author. By God’s grace I am who I am. I am born again and have served in ministry for 44 years. I have been married to Rodger for 51 years and I would not be me without him as he has always supported what God has called me to do in ministry. It is my desire that God uses the Digging Deeper Bible Study to transform lives from the inside out and so far this is happening! The truth is that those who apply God’s Word to their own lives are the best equipped by the Spirit to reach others who also need to know and see that God lives and that He does speak to men and women today from His Word.