In-Depth Biblical Teaching produces spiritual growth

In-Depth Biblical Teaching

Posted on April 28, 2018 · Posted in Bible Teaching Archive, Bible Truth, Encouragement

In-Depth Biblical Teaching

If you are thirsty for in-depth biblical teaching, the Holy Spirit led you to the right place. Why?  Because God inspires me to teach the Bible so that you can understand God’s Word.  Then, my prayer is that you will apply what you learn.  In addition, I write because so many people have misconceptions about God and themselves that are not biblical.

To Begin, Select a Biblical Teaching

Seek God’s Presence

Is God most important to you?  Then, this timely post will show you how to experience God in your daily life.  And then you will know what it means to open your eyes spiritually to God’s Presence.

Follow the Good Shepherd

Jesus is the Good Shepherd, and He calls each one of us to follow Him.  So, why is it so much easier to do everything but God’s will?  In response, this teaching will help you understand what it means to follow Jesus and live a transformed life.

Is Jesus Your Savior?

What it Means to be Saved

Do you feel lost and empty, thinking that your life is futile and that surely there must be something more?  You think this way because God, your Creator, designed you to live in a relationship with Him.  And only then will you live the life of purpose that He has planned for you.  So, discover why only Jesus can show you the way home to God, the Father.

Looking for a Political Savior

It is not surprising that in every election cycle, we look for a political savior.  The reason is that government corruption has made our lives harder.  So then, why do we continue to look for a person to save our country and save ourselves?  For answers, read further and find out how to have peace no matter who wins the election.

In-Depth Teaching about How Jesus Will Help You to Trust Him

God’s Word Speaks

If I told you that you could hear God speak to you personally from His Word, would you be interested?   Furthermore, what if I told you that God has the power to overcome any difficulty that you face?  Then, you will want to shake the dust off your Bible and hear God speak to you from His Word.

Sexual Sins

Our culture is drowning in sexual immorality and perversion of all kinds.  But behind today’s glorification of sex are deep hurts that remain hidden.  So, see what the Bible says about the importance of both truth and love and be set free.

Where is God?

Lessons from Habakkuk

Most believers encounter a time in their spiritual life when they doubt or question God.  Likewise, Habakkuk was a prophet of the Lord who confronted God with what he thought were contradictions in His actions.  So, learn more about God by seeing how he answered Habakkuk.

Seek God in Prayer

Believers know that it is vital to seek God in prayer.  But because so many don’t pray regularly, the subject of prayer often produces guilt.  Also, prayer is too often approached as a Christian “to do” list to be a “good” Christian.  This teaching will combat these misconceptions so that you will seek God in prayer for all the right reasons.

In-Depth Biblical Teaching About God’s Protection and Blessings

The Devil is Real!

If you don’t believe the devil is real, then you won’t understand that Jesus came to destroy the works of the devil.  And you will have no answers for a destroyer at work behind the scenes who uses people, even if they don’t believe in him.  Therefore, it is essential to know what the Bible says about the devil’s deceptions.

Showers of Blessing

We live in a physical world that bombards us with all the ways to be happy, to be blessed.  Yet, the world’s wisdom is constantly changing.  But God never changes.  So, find out how He can give you joy even when everything goes wrong.

Jesus Christ is Lord!

An angel of the Lord joyously announces the birth of Jesus Christ to shepherds guarding their sheep at night.  So, be like the shepherds and stop what you are doing so you can listen.  Because God has good news for you too.  And when you hear, you will understand why Jesus Christ is Lord.

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Suzanne Martin, Author. By God’s grace I am who I am. I am born again and have served in ministry for 44 years. I have been married to Rodger for 51 years and I would not be me without him as he has always supported what God has called me to do in ministry. It is my desire that God uses the Digging Deeper Bible Study to transform lives from the inside out and so far this is happening! The truth is that those who apply God’s Word to their own lives are the best equipped by the Spirit to reach others who also need to know and see that God lives and that He does speak to men and women today from His Word.