Study the Scriptures to know God and His will for Your Life.

Study the Scriptures

Posted on January 22, 2023 ยท Posted in 4 & 6 Week Bible Studies

Study the Scriptures

Study the Scriptures if you want to know God because many who claim to know Him have never read the Bible for themselves. Indeed, God, your Creator, wants you to know Him. So, long ago, He directly communicated His Word by the Holy Spirit to those He chose to receive and record it. And because God is eternal, so is His Word. Jesus confirmed this truth when He said, โ€œHeaven and earth will pass away, but my words will never pass away.โ€

Your Word, O Lord, is eternal; It stands firm in the heavens. Your faithfulness continues through all generations; You established the earth, and it endures. Your laws endure to this day, for all things serve you. Psalm 119:89-91

Indeed, Godโ€™s Word is eternal, so this website upholds the authority and inerrancy of Scripture. Thus, each teaching blog God inspires is centered around the Bible and intended to help you know God and understand His will.

In addition, at the end of every blog post is a four or six-week Bible study in both the Old and New Testaments. Hence, you can read the blog and then study Godโ€™s Word on its subject further to expand your understanding. This is important because every verse of Scripture has a lesson to be learned or a truth to be understood. And blessed are those who obey the Scriptures by faith.

Before You Study the Scriptures

Before studying the Bible verses below, print this blog post, “Study the Scriptures,” so you will have all the Bible studies in one place. Furthermore, expect God to speak to you through His Word by faith, so prepare with paper and a pencil. Now, you are ready, so begin by asking God to teach you and give you understanding.

Then, as you look up the Bible verses, you will find that some verses stand out. So, write down these highlighted verses in your own words. Next, record the lesson or truth that God is teaching you from the facts of the verse or verses.

Finally, ask God to show you how the lesson or truth applies to you. And then, rely on the power of the Holy Spirit to respond to God’s Word by faith and apply it to your life. Indeed, spiritual maturity is not measured by how much of God’s truth you know. But by how much of God’s truth you live through the power of the Holy Spirit because faith works!

Scripture Verses to Study

Choose a Bible study and look up the verses.


The Names of God

For a better understanding of this Bible study, it is suggested that you first read the teaching:

Week 1: Genesis 1:1, 26-27;ย 4:25-26;ย 14:18-20;ย 15:1-6;ย 16:1-13;ย 17:1;ย 21:22, 33;ย 22:6-14;ย 28:10-17;ย 35:9-13;ย 48:15-16;ย 49:24-25;ย Exodus 3:7-15;ย 15:3, 26;ย 17:15-16;ย 18:4;ย 20:7;ย 34:5-8ย Leviticus 20:7-8;ย Numbers 6:24-27;ย Deuteronomy 6:4-5;ย 10:12-22;ย 31:6, 8;ย 32:4;ย Judges 6:22-24;ย Psalmsย 1:6;ย 4:1, 8;ย 9:1-10;ย 18:6

Week 2:ย Psalms 20:1, 5-8;ย 23:1-6;ย 28:8-9;ย 29:1-11;ย 46:1-3, 4-7, 10-11;ย 66:1-7;ย 68:19;ย 71:15-19;ย 78:52-55;ย 80:1, 7;ย 85:13;ย 89:5-18;ย 90:2-4;ย 93:1-2;ย 96:13;ย 99:1-5;ย 102:25-28;ย 103:1-20;ย 111:3, 5, 9;ย 119:89-90;ย 121:1-8;ย 139:1-18;ย 145:1-21;ย 147:3-6;ย Proverbs 18:10;ย Isaiah 6:1-6;ย 7:14;ย 9:6-7;ย 14:12-16;ย 26:3-4, 12-13;ย 32:16-20

Week 3: Isaiah 41:10, 13;ย 44:6-8;ย 45:9-12, 21-25;ย 53:4-6;ย 58:11;ย 61:1, 10-11;ย Jeremiah 23:5-6, 23-24;ย 32:17;ย Ezekiel 34:11-16, 23-26, 31;ย 48:35;ย Daniel 4:1-3, 29-37;ย Joel 2:28-32;ย Micah 5:2-5;ย Malachi 3:6-7;ย ย Matthewย 1:1, 20-23;ย 2:6;ย 3:16-17;ย 5:1-10;ย 6:9-13, 25-33;ย 8:14-17, 23-27;ย 9:1-8, 18-36;ย 10:29-31;ย 28:16-20

The Names of God Bible Study Weeks 4 Through 6

Week 4: Luke 1:26-37;ย 4:46-21, 33-37, 40-43;ย John 1:1-3, 14, 29, 47-51;ย 4:9-10, 13, 22-26, 39-42;ย 5:1-14; 19-30;ย 6:35-40;ย 7:37-39;ย 8:54-59;ย 9:1-7;ย 10:1-18, 24-33;ย 11:25-27, 40-44;ย 14:1-31;ย 15:26-27;ย 16:7-15, 23-24, 27-28, 33;ย 17:1-5, 25-26;ย 20:27-30;ย Acts 17:24-31;ย Romansย 1:16-17;ย 3:10-12, 17-18, 21-26;

Week 5: Romansย ย 4:3, 13, 18-25;ย 5:1, 17;ย 8:6-9, 13;ย 10:9-13;ย 15:13, 33;ย 1ย Corinthians 1:3, 30-31;ย 3:16;ย 8:2-6;ย 14:33;ย 15:56-57;ย 2 Corinthians 5:14-15, 21;ย Ephesians 1:1-23;ย 6:10-17;ย Philippians 2:5-11;ย 4:4-9, 13, 19-20;ย Colossians 1:2, 9-20;ย 2:9-10;ย 3:15;ย 1 Timothy 1:1-2, 17;ย 6:11-16;ย Hebrews 1:1-4,ย 8-12;ย 6:16-20

Week 6: Hebrews 7:21-26;ย 9 :1-3, 22-28;ย 13:5-6, 8, 20-21;ย James 1:17;ย 2:26;ย 1 Peter 1:13-17, 25;ย 2:24-25;ย 5:2-6;ย 2 Peter 1:1-4;ย 1 John 1:1-4, 8-10;ย 2:1-6, 23, 29;ย 3:18-20;ย Revelation 1:4-8;ย 2:7, 17, 26-29;ย 4:8-11;ย 5:5, 9-14;ย 7:16-17;ย 12:10-11;ย 15:1-4;ย 16:7;ย 17:14;ย 19:6, 11-16;ย 21:5-7, 22-27;ย 22:3-4, 13, 16-17, 20-21


Study The Scriptures to Know God’s Will

Do Not Fret

For a better understanding of this Bible study, it is suggested that you first read the teaching:ย

Week 1:ย 2 Kingsย 18:28-37;ย 19:1-37;ย 2 Chronicles 20:5-15;ย Psalms 1:1-6;ย 2:1-12;ย 11:1-7;ย 27:1-8, 13-14;ย 33:1-22;ย 34:1-22;ย 36:1-12;ย 37:1-40;ย 39:4-7;ย 55:1-11, 16-19, 22-23;ย 56:1-13;ย 62:5-8;ย 73:1-28;ย 86:5-7, 11-13, 15;ย 89:1-2, 5-8, 11-18;ย 91:1-16;ย 94:1-23;ย 97:1-12;ย 121:1-8;ย 123:1-4;ย 139:16-18, 23-24;ย 141:8-10;ย 149:4-5;ย Proverbs 3:5-7;ย 14:19, 34

Week 2:ย Proverbsย 16:3-9, 20, 32;ย 23:17-18;ย 24:19-20;ย Ecclesiastes 7:9-10, 13-14;ย Isaiah 5:20;ย 8:11-13;ย 10:1-4;ย 40:8, 12-15, 21-26, 28-31;ย 46:4, 9-10;ย 47:8-15;ย 54:16-17;ย 55:6-11;ย 57:20-21;ย 59:1-21;ย Jeremiah 32:17-19, 26-27;ย Micahย 5:15;ย 7:7;ย Habakkuk 1:1-5;ย 2:2-3;ย 3:16-19;ย Malachiย 3:14-18;ย 4:1-3;ย Matthew 5:43-48;ย 6:25-34;ย 10:26-33

Week 3:ย Matthewย 11:28-30;ย 13:40-43;ย Johnย 12:23-26;ย 14:1, 27;ย 15:5-11, 18-26;ย 16:1-4, 33;ย 18:36-37;ย Romansย 8:18-19; 28-30;ย 10:8-13, 17;ย 11:33-36;ย 12:1-2, 21;ย 15:13;ย 1 Corinthians 6:19-20;ย Galatians 1:3-5;ย 6:9-10;ย Ephesiansย 4:26-27, 29-32;ย 5:15-17;ย 6:10-20;ย Philippians 3:20-21;ย 4:4-13, 19-20;ย Colossiansย 1:12-14;ย 3:1-4, 8, 15-17;ย 4:2

Week 4:ย 2 Thessalonians 3:1-5, 13, 16;ย 1ย Timothyย 2:8;ย 2ย Timothyย 1:7;ย 2:11-16, 23-26;ย 3:1-5, 10-17;ย Hebrewsย 1:8-12;ย 2:14-18;ย 4:12-16;ย 10:32-39;ย 11:1, 6, 24-27;ย 12:1-3, 14-15;ย 13:5-8, 20-21;ย Jamesย 1:2-8, 12, 19-25;ย 3:5-12;ย 4:4-10, 13-17;ย 1ย Peter 2:11-17;ย 3:8-17;ย 4:12-19;ย 5:6-11;ย 2 Peterย 2:4-9, 13;ย 3:3-18;ย 1ย John 2:15-17;ย 5:1-5


Faith Comes from Believing the Scriptures


Where is God?

For a better understanding of this Bible study, it is suggested that you first read the teaching:ย

Week 1:ย Jobย 1:1-22;ย 39:1-30;ย 40:1-2, 8;ย 41:11;ย 42:1-6;ย Psalms 2:1-12;ย 5:3-6;ย 9:1-20;ย 10:1-18;ย 11:1-7;ย 15:1-5;ย 18:1-6, 16-19, 25-33;ย 21:8-13;ย 33:4-15, 20-22;ย 73:1-28;ย 75:1-10;ย 89:14-15;ย 94:1-23;ย 97:10-12;ย 113:4-6;ย 142:1-7

Week 2: Proverbs 1:22-33;ย 3:5-7, 11-12; 11-12;ย 11:21;ย 14:12, 16, 34; ย 15:3;ย 16:2-5, 20, 25;ย 21:15, 30;ย Isaiahย 5:16, 20-23;ย 10:1-3;ย 13:9-13;ย 29:13-16, 20-21;ย 30:18;ย 40:12-15, 21-31;ย 43:11;ย 45:5-7, 9-13, 22-25;ย 46:9-11;ย 55:7-11;ย 59:1-2, 9, 12-14;ย 64:1-7ย 

Week 3: Jeremiah 17:1-14;ย 30:10-11;ย 32:17, 27;ย Daniel 2:20-22;ย 4:34-37;ย Amos 2:4-5;ย 5:14-15;ย Habakkuk 1:1-17;ย 2:1-20;ย 3:1-19;ย Luke 1:37;ย 18:1-8;ย John 3:16-21;ย 5:24-30;ย Romans 1:17;ย 2:1-16;ย 8:28-39;ย 12:17-21;ย 14:11-12;ย 2 Corinthians 4:16-18,ย 5:7-10, 15-21;ย Galatians 3:11;ย 5:13-26ย 

Week 4: 1 Thessalonians 5:1-3;ย 2 Timothy 4:1;ย Hebrews 4:13-16;ย 10:28-39;ย 11:1, 6;ย 12:5-11;ย 1 Peter 4:17-19;ย 5:7-11;ย 2 Peter 3:3-13;ย 1 John 2:28-29;ย 3:8-10;ย 4:4-6;ย 5:1-5;ย Revelation 3:1-3, 6, 11-13, 17-20;ย 15:3-4;ย 18:1-8;ย 20:11-15;ย 22:11-13, 20-21


Give Thanks to God Often

For a better understanding of this Bible study, it is suggested that you first read the teaching:ย

Week 1: Jobย 1:20-22;ย 2:9-10; 42:2;ย Job 1:1-22;ย 2:1-9;ย Psalms 5:1-3;ย 7:17;ย 8:1-2;ย 9:1-2, 7-10;ย 18:6, 16,ย 23:1-6;ย 25:1-6;ย 27:1-2, 7-8, 13-14;ย 28:6-7;ย 33:4, 18-22;ย 34:4-10, 15-19;ย 38:8;ย 68:19;ย 72:12; ย 73:23-26;ย 84:10-12

Week 2:ย Psalms 100:1-5;ย 121;ย 106:1;ย 107:1-43;ย 118:28-29;ย 119:89-90, 106;ย 136:1-26;ย Proverbs 3:5-12;ย 21:30;ย Isaiah 40:25-31;ย 41:10-13;ย Jeremiah 29:11-13;ย 32:17-19, 26-27

Week 3: Matthew 6:8-15, 24-34;ย 11:28-30;ย 19:26;ย Mark 9:23-24;ย Luke 1:37;ย John 14:1, 27;ย 15:4-8;ย Romans 5:1-5;ย 8:18, 26-39,ย 1 Corinthians 15:56-58;ย 2 Corinthians 1:3-5;ย 4:16-18;ย 5:7;ย 12:9-10;ย Galatians 5:22-23

Week 4: Ephesians 3:14-17;ย 5:18-20;ย Philippians 4:4-7, 10-13, 19-20;ย Colossians 3:1-4, 15-17;ย 1 Thessaloniansย 5:16-18;ย 2 Thessalonians 1:3-12;ย Hebrews 4:14-16;ย 11:1, 6;ย 12:28-29;ย 13:15-16, 20-21;ย James 1:2-4, 12;ย 5:11;ย 1 Peter 1:3-9;ย 4:12-19;ย 5:6-7;ย 2 Peter 1:3-4

Study the Scriptures and Be Encouraged


Do Not Lose Heart

For a better understanding of this Bible study, it is suggested that you first read the teaching:ย

Week 1: Joshua 1:6-9;ย 1 Chroniclesย 16:7-11;ย Job 1:6-22;ย 2:9-10;ย 13:15;ย Psalmsย 18:1-36;ย 23:1-6;ย 25:4-5;ย 27:1, 13-14;ย 28:6-9;ย 29:10-11;ย 31:24;ย 34:1-22;ย 37:1-40;ย 42:1-11;ย 46:1-3, 10;ย 53:2;ย 61:1-3, 5-8;ย 94:1-23;ย 103:1-22;ย 107:1-43;ย 112:1-10;ย 121:1-2;ย 139:1-18;ย 142:1-7; 143:1-12

Week 2: Proverbsย 3:5-6, 21-26;ย 18:10;ย 24:16;ย 142:3;ย Isaiah 26:3-4;ย 40:28-31;ย 41:10, 13;ย 43:1-3;ย 61:1-3, 10-11;ย Jeremiahย 17:7-8;ย 29:11-13;ย 32:26-27;ย Lamentations 3:22-26;ย Habakkukย 3:16-19;ย Matthew 6:25-34;ย 8:23-27;ย 11:28-30;ย Luke 4:14-21;ย 18:1-8;ย John 14:1-3, 27;ย 15:4-8;ย 16:33

Week 3:ย ย Actsย 20:22-24;ย Romans 1:17;ย 4:18-25;ย 5:1-5;ย 8:18, 28-39;ย 12:11-12;ย 15:4, 13;ย 1 Corinthians 15:58;ย 16:13;ย 2ย Corinthians 1:3-5, 8-11, 21;ย 3:4-6, 17-18;ย 4:1-18;ย 5:1-10, 14-15;ย 6:3-10;ย 10:3-6;ย 12:7-10;ย Galatians 2:20;ย Ephesians 1:1-23;ย 3:16-21;ย 6:10-18;ย Philippiansย 1:6, 19-21;ย 2:13;ย 4:4-13; 19-20

Week 4: Colossians 2:9-10;ย 3:1-4, 15-17;ย 4:2;ย 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18;ย 2 Thessalonian 2:13-17;ย 3:16;ย 2 Timothy 4:5-8;ย Hebrewsย 4:14-16;ย 10:35-36;ย 11:1-3, 6;ย 12:1-13;ย 13:5-8, 14, 20-21;ย Jamesย 1:2-8, 12, 22-25;ย 5:7-11;ย 1 Peter 1:3-9, 13;ย 2:2-3;ย 3:12;ย 5:7, 10;ย 2 Peter 1:1-11;ย 1ย John 5:3-5, 13-15;ย Revelation 1:4-8, 17-18;ย 21:1-7;ย 22:7, 17, 20-21

Believe the Scriptures and Trust God


Are You Prepared for Battle?

For a better understanding of this Bible study, it is suggested that you first read the teaching:ย

Week 1: Deuteronomy 1:29-31;ย 20:1-4;ย Joshua 1:8-9;ย 23:9-11;ย 2 Kings 6:15-17;ย 2 Chroniclesย 20:4-17;ย Psalmsย 1:1-6;ย 3:1-8;ย 10:4;ย 12:1-8;ย 18:1-3, 28-35;ย 20:6-7;ย 24:1-10;ย 25:1-22;ย 27:1-8, 13-14;ย 33:4, 10-22;ย 34:4-7,ย 17-20;ย 56:3-4, 9-11;ย 73:23-26;ย Psalmsย 86:5-7,ย 11

Week 2: Psalmsย 91:1-16;ย 97:10;ย 107:10-22, 43;ย 119:89, 105, 101-105, 114, 132-133, 142; 147-148, 160;ย 140:1-13;ย Proverbs 8:13;ย 16:17-20, 25, 32;ย 25:21-22;ย 29:22-23, 25, 27;ย 30:5;ย Isaiah 40:29-31;ย 41:10-13;ย 42:13;ย 45:22-24;ย 54:17;ย Zechariahย 4:6;ย Matthewย 4:1-11;ย 7:12-29

Week 3:ย Matthewย 10:16-40;ย 16:18, 21-28;ย 26:41;ย Lukeย 18:1-8;ย John 3:16-21;ย 8:12, 42-47;ย 10:10;ย 12:30-33, 44-50;ย 14:12-31;ย 15:4-8, 18-25;ย 16:7-16, 33;ย 17:3, 6, 14-19;ย Romans 1:16-18;ย 2:5-13;ย 3:21-28;ย 4:1-8,18-25;ย 5:1-11;ย 6:8-14, 22-23;ย 8:1-39;ย 10:1-4;ย 12:1-3, 21;ย 13:12-14;ย 16:20

Prepare for Battle Bible Study Weeks 4 Through 6

Week 4: 1ย Corinthians 1:4-9, 18-31;ย 10:13;ย 15:20-26, 32-34; 56-58;ย 16:13;ย 2 Corinthians 2:10-11, 14-17;ย 4:4-18;ย 5:15-21;ย 10:3-5;ย 11:13-15;ย 12:7-10;ย Galatians 1:3-10;ย 5:16-26;ย Ephesians 2:1-10;ย 4:17-32;ย 5:8-21;ย 6:10-20;ย Philippians 1:3-6, 20-21;ย 2:3-16;ย 3:2-3, 7-20;ย 4:6-7, 13, 19-20

Week 5: Colossians 1:9-14;ย 2:6-10, 13-15, 20-23;ย 3:1-11;ย 1 Thessalonians 2:17-18;ย 3:5;ย 5:4-8, 16;ย 2 Thessalonians 1:6-12;ย 3:1-5;ย 1 Timothyย 6:12-19;ย 2ย Timothyย 1:7;ย 2:15, 19, 22-26;ย 3:12, 16-17;ย Titus 2:11-14;ย Hebrews 2:14-18;ย 4:12-16;ย 11:6;ย 12:1-12;ย 13:5-8, 20-21;ย Jamesย 1:12-27;ย 2:14-26;ย 4:1-10

Week 6:ย Jamesย 5:13-20;1 Peter 1:ย 3-9,ย 13-17,ย 24-25;ย 2:1-3, 9-12, 19-25;ย 3:15-18;ย 4:1-2, 12-19; ย 5:8-11;ย 2ย Peter 1:1-11, 20-21;ย 1 John 1:1-10;ย 2:1-6, 12-17, 20-29;ย 3:1-10;ย 4:1-6, 13;ย 5:1-5; 11-15, 18-21;ย Judeย 24-25;ย Revelation 3:11-13, 21-22;ย 14:6-7;ย 17:14;ย 19:11-16;ย 20:11-15;ย 22:16, 20-21

The Scriptures Testify About Jesus


From Heaven to the Manger

For a better understanding of this Bible study, it is suggested that you first read the teaching:ย

Week 1:ย Isaiah 7:14;ย 9:6-7;ย 11:1-2;ย 43:15, 25;ย 52:13-15;ย 53: 5-6;ย 61:1-2;ย Jeremiah 23:5-6;ย Micah 5:2-4;ย Zechariah 9:9;ย 14:1-9;ย Matthew 1:18-25;ย 2:1-12;ย 6:33;ย 16:13-18

Week 2: Luke 1:1, 26-38; 46-55; 2:1-20;ย 4:14-21;ย 24:1-53;ย John 1:1-5, 10-14, 18;ย 3:13-18;ย 10:25-30;ย 18:36-37;ย 19:19-24;ย 20:30-31;ย Romans 1:1-4;ย 1 Corinthians 1:30-31

Week 3: 2 Corinthians 5:17-21;ย 8:9;ย Galatians 3:26-29;ย Ephesians 3:14-21;ย Philippians 2:5-11;ย Colossians 2:9-10;ย 1 Timothy 3:16;ย 6:13-16

Week 4: Hebrews 1:1-14;ย 2:14-18;ย 13:8;ย 1 John 1:1-4;ย 3:7-10;ย Revelation 1:1-8, 17-18;ย 5:9-14;ย 7:9-12;ย 11:15;ย 22:16-17, 20-21

Study the Scriptures to Know Truth from Error


What You Believe Matters

For a better understanding of this Bible study, it is suggested that you first read the teaching:ย

Week 1: Numbers 23:19; Psalm 103:1-22;ย 107:10-22;ย 119:25-37, 67, 73-74, 89-92, 105, 114, 130-133, 147, 160, 169-170, 176;ย Isaiah 40:8, 11, 28-31;ย 61:1-2, 10;ย 66:1-3;ย Matthew 4:1-4, 10-11;ย Lukeย 4:14-21;ย Johnย 1:10-14;ย 10:1-18, 27-30

Week 2: Johnย 15:3-5, 9-17;ย 17:3, 15-18;ย Romans 1:16-17;ย 2:13;ย 3:20-28; 4:1-8, 18-25;ย 5:1-11;ย 6:4, 23;ย 8:1-2, 26-39;ย 10:1-4, 8-13;ย 12:1-3;ย 1 Corinthians 1:4-9;ย 10:13;ย 2 Corinthians 1:21-22;ย 3:4, 17-18;ย 4:4, 7-12, 16-18;ย 5:15-21

Week 3: Galatiansย 1:3-5;ย 2:15-21; 3:1-14, 26;ย 5:1, 4-5;ย Ephesians 2:1-10;ย 3:14-21;ย 4:17-24;ย 6:10-20;ย Philippians 1:6;ย 2:13;ย 3:3, 7-14;ย 4:6-7, 13, 19-20;ย Colossians 1:21-23;ย 2:6-10, 13-15;ย 3:1-4

Week 4: 2 Timothyย 1:7;ย Titus 1:1-2; 3:4-7;ย Hebrews 4:14-16; 8:10-12; 9:22, 27-28; 10:10-18; 23-25, 35-39; 11:6;ย 12:1-3;ย 13:5-8, 20-21;ย Jamesย 1:22-25;ย 1ย Peter 1:3-9, 23-25;ย 2:9-10, 24;ย 5:8-11;ย 2ย Peterย 1:1-4;ย 1 Johnย 1:8-10;ย 2:1-2;ย 3:1-3;ย 4:4, 9, 13-16;ย Judeย 24-25

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